LAN member training

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LAN member training

The ASBSD Legislative Action Network is designed to activate designated members of local school boards to represent the positions of the Association and their local board and communicate those positions to legislators that represent their district at the state level.


In January, ASBSD will conduct training sessions for appointed LAN members:


Sessions are scheduled from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for each day and will cover the role LAN plays in advocating, a familiarization of legislators, what to say to legislators and legislation expected to emerge in 2014. The events are free to attend for LAN members and lunch will be provided.


“We need as many appointed LAN members as possible to attend one of these events,” Pogany said. “We’ll equip those in attendance with the tools they’ll need to advocate for education.”

Every school board appoints a board member as its ASBSD Legislative Action Network (LAN) member to attend to legislative issues. LAN members and ASBSD are the link between state legislators and their local school district.


Designated LAN members will periodically be contacted by ASBSD asking them to contact their legislator(s).


In order for school board members to influence legislation with grassroots advocacy, ASBSD needs LAN members to make a commitment to the following responsibilities:

  • Legislative Action Network members maintain dialogue with state policy-makers.
  • Legislative Action Network members keep informed about current education issues.
  • Legislative Action Network members are willing to call or email their legislators within a short period of time after receiving the notice from ASBSD to advocate on behalf of their local board.
  • Legislative Action Network members are willing and able to provide specific information to legislators from their local district perspective.
  • Legislative Action Network members inform other board members of the relationship between state policy and public schools.


If you have questions about LAN or the training event, please contact Executive Director Dr. Wade Pogany via email or at 605-773-2500.

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