Policy Alert: Prohibition Against Aiding or Abetting Sexual Abuse

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Policy Alert: Prohibition Against Aiding or Abetting Sexual Abuse

Policies of a school district, especially those negotiated with bargaining representatives for the protection of teachers, have the full force and effect of law, and legally bind the school district. Wessington Springs Ed. Assoc. v. Wessington springs Sch. Dist., 467 N.W. 2d 101 (S.D. 1991).


By Gerry Kaufman, ASBSD Director of Policy & Legal Services


ASBSD recently added a new sample policy, ACAB: Prohibition Against Aiding or Abetting Sexual Abuse.


Federal law – initially the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 and then amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act – requires school districts to have such a policy.


“ASBSD’s sample policy mirrors the federal law,” ASBSD Director of Policy and Legal Services Gerry Kaufman said.


“The sample policy includes several definitions as the terms ‘sexual misconduct’ and ‘probable cause’ are not defined in the federal law.”



For questions related to the notices and policies required, contact Kaufman at gkaufman@asbsd.org or at 605-773-2513.


To access the ASBSD Policy Services website, school board members and administrators must login at http://policy.asbsd.org. Your district’s login and password information has been previously provided to your district’s administration.


If you are not able to access the ASBSD Policy Services website, please contact your district’s administration or ASBSD Policy Services Associate Kay Thompson-Tieszen at kay@asbsd.org.

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