2020 ASBSD-SASD Convention to be held virtually

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2020 ASBSD-SASD Convention to be held virtually

The 2020 ASBSD-SASD Convention will be held virtually this year.


On Thursday, August 6, ASBSD and SASD, in conjunction with TIE, will host a virtual Convention for board members and administrators.


“Moving the ASBSD-SASD Convention to the virtual platform from our regular face-to-face event was a difficult decision,” ASBSD Executive Director Wade Pogany said.


“The safety of our members is most important to us and a virtual Convention ensures that safety and allows our members to still participate in the premier learning event for board members and administrators.”



The 2020 ASBSD-SASD Convention will feature multiple speakers and breakout sessions all available to board members and administrators virtually.


Registration information and additional details related to Convention will be provided in the coming weeks.


“We hope our members will join us on August 6 for a full day of learning and information from some of the best minds in K-12 education,” Pogany said.


If you have questions about Convention, please contact Pogany at wpogany@asbsd.org or Tyler Pickner at tpickner@asbsd.org.