March 2020

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March 2020

House Education sends new school system bill to 41st day

A smoke-out attempt didn’t save a bill creating a new school system in South Dakota, which had previously been defeated in committee.   Senate Bill 66, which creates and funds Oceti Sakowin community-based schools, was defeated by the House Education committee on a 9-5 vote with a smoke-out attempt being unsuccessful on the House floor […]

House Education sends new school system bill to 41st day Read More »

Cap Outlay compromise bill passed, signed into law

In its final vote, a compromise bill on capital outlay provisions proved to have overwhelming support.   House members passed Senate Bill 170, which revises certain provisions regarding school district capital outlay funds, on a 65-3 vote. Among the four votes it took between two committees and two chambers, the bill only had four “No” votes.

Cap Outlay compromise bill passed, signed into law Read More »

New provision for C/O fund purchases put in statute

It wasn’t unanimous, but a new provision for purchases with capital outlay reached the Governor’s desk.   House members voted 50-18 to pass Senate Bill 174, which permits capital outlay funding to be used to purchase or renew instructional software. Votes on the bill had previously been all “Yes.”   “Today’s modern classroom is so

New provision for C/O fund purchases put in statute Read More »

Amended C/O certificate referendum bill bounced by Sen. comm.

Committee member downed an amended bill that would have set precedent in the bond elections of school districts.   On a 6-0 vote, Senate Education committee members defeated House Bill 1263, which requires school district bond elections to have 30 percent voter turnout to be valid.   ASBSD opposed the bill.   “This is a

Amended C/O certificate referendum bill bounced by Sen. comm. Read More »

House, Gov. back bid limit increase bill

School boards will likely be working with an increased bid limit at the start of Fiscal Year 2021.   House members passed Senate Bill 135, which increases the bid limit for certain public improvements to $100,000, on a 58-8 vote after the House Local Government committee had passed the bill on a 12-0 vote.  

House, Gov. back bid limit increase bill Read More »

Change to MBC sees success in Sen., signed by Gov.

A change to the minor boundary change process proceeded through the Senate.   On unanimous votes, Senators and the Senate Education committee passed House Bill 1255, which removes the requirement for a mandatory appraisal in minor boundary changes.   “Two school boards can make the (minor boundary change) decision by resolution, take a vote and

Change to MBC sees success in Sen., signed by Gov. Read More »

Senate approves BOE appointments

The latest members of the state Board of Education standards were confirmed recently.   Phyllis Heineman’s and Julie Westra’s appointments to the South Dakota State Board of Education were approved unanimously by the Senate Education committee and on a 31-3 by the full Senate. In January, Gov. Kristi Noem appointed each individual to the state board.  

Senate approves BOE appointments Read More »

S.D. JAG program expansion entered into statute

A bill expanding the Jobs for America’s Graduates in the state reached the governor’s desk.   Following a unanimous vote by House Education committee members, Senate Bill 39, which creates Jobs for SD’s Graduates program and special donation fund, passed the House on a 60-7 vote and was signed by Gov. Kristi Noem. ASBSD was

S.D. JAG program expansion entered into statute Read More »

Gov. Noem requests all schools closed until May 1

Gov. Kristi Noem has provided the following message:   Thank you to you and your staff for all you’ve done over the last two weeks to support students and families. In these unprecedented times you’ve made quick shifts in your delivery and opened access to your resources in heroic ways. I appreciate your willingness to

Gov. Noem requests all schools closed until May 1 Read More »

COVID-19 Q&A and other resources

It is the goal of everyone associated with education in South Dakota to provide as much information and resources to assist schools during this trying time.   The South Dakota Department of Education has assembled a document of commonly asked questions compiled into one resource for school districts to reference and will update it regularly

COVID-19 Q&A and other resources Read More »

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