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Search Results for: teacher pay

Senate supports teacher pay study bill

A bill expediating the study of teacher pay passed the Senate.   On a 34-0 vote, Senators passed Senate Bill 95, which changes the timeline for the Teacher Compensation Review Board to meet from every 3 years to every 2 years.   “I believe this board should meet more frequently,” Sen. Jim Bolin, the bill’s sponsor […]

Senate supports teacher pay study bill Read More »

Teacher pay accountabilities extension advances

A close committee vote followed by overwhelming favor on the floor sent teacher pay accountability extension to the Senate.   On an 8-6 vote by the House Education committee and a 65-1 vote by the full House, House Bill 1080, which extends the average teacher compensation targets until the 2023-24 school year, to the Senate.  

Teacher pay accountabilities extension advances Read More »

Teacher pay report reviewed and approved by TCRB

A report detailing teacher pay in South Dakota was recently approved by the board charged with reviewing its progress.   Members of the Teacher Compensation Review Board (TCRB) approved its final report in September and sent it on to Gov. Kristi Noem and the legislature for review. Read the final report here.   Conclusions in

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Teacher pay review board adopts final report

The board charged with studying South Dakota’s progress on teacher pay approved their report to Gov. Dennis Daugaard on Wednesday (8/29).   On a 7-0 vote, Teacher Compensation Review Board members approved the report that will be submitted prior to the September 30 deadline with the following conclusions: The data demonstrates that South Dakota has

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State’s teacher pay improves national ranking

South Dakota’s teacher pay climbed the national ladder according to a recent study.   The National Education Association’s 2018 Rankings and Estimates report cited South Dakota’s average teacher salary of $46,979 in 2016-17 brought the state from 51st in the nation to 48th. The state’s average teacher salary rose by nearly $5,000 from 2015-16 to 2016-17,

State’s teacher pay improves national ranking Read More »

Teacher pay in South Dakota is ticking towards its target

Teacher pay in South Dakota is ticking towards its target of $48,500.   The $48,500 average teacher pay target was set in 2016, after the legislature’s passage of a historic education funding package that ushered in a new state aid funding formula along with a half-cent increase to the state’s sales tax to fund the

Teacher pay in South Dakota is ticking towards its target Read More »

SFAB adopts rules, hears teacher pay accountability report

School Finance Accountability Board members met for the first time in 2017 and adopted a slightly amended version of the board’s rules.   SFAB’s rules outline the different facets of the board’s work including the waiver request process, which requires waiver requests be submitted to the board before the first Friday in November, the documentation school

SFAB adopts rules, hears teacher pay accountability report Read More »

Sales tax increase needed for teacher pay improvement, assists property tax payers

ASBSD and school board members across the state support and continue to advocate in favor of Gov. Dennis Daugaard’s proposed half cent sales tax increase.   “Our school board members are committed to supporting the half cent sales tax increase that will help them recruit and retain our teachers,” ASBSD President Eric Stroeder said. “The bill

Sales tax increase needed for teacher pay improvement, assists property tax payers Read More »

Gov. Daugaard says teacher pay needs improvement, proposal coming in January

Gov. Dennis Daugaard punctuated his budget address on Tuesday (Dec. 8) by stating teacher salaries in South Dakota need to be improved.   “I agree that South Dakota needs to increase teacher salaries,” Gov. Daugaard said, noting that the state was falling behind other states in the upper plains region.   “The public expects us

Gov. Daugaard says teacher pay needs improvement, proposal coming in January Read More »

Cap outlay, other revenue and teacher pay discussed at Region Meeting

The potential for a major shift in three aspects of K-12 funding dominated discussion at the recent ASBSD Region Meeting in Brookings, as it did in Beresford the night before and as it is expected to at each subsequent meeting.   At the Brookings meeting, representatives from 11 school districts were presented with potentially landscape-shifting

Cap outlay, other revenue and teacher pay discussed at Region Meeting Read More »

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