Tuesday offered a reminder of the need for emergency policies.
Belle Fourche’s South Park Elementary School was placed in a lockdown state after gun-shot like sounds were reported in the area. The noises turned out to be nothing more than a vehicle backfiring in the area and students were in no imminent danger, but swift action by the school and law enforcement was warranted.
ASBSD urges school boards to review and, if necessary, rewrite their safety policies, including lockdown procedures.
Sample Policy EMERGENCY LOCKDOWNS In some emergency situations, an evacuation of a building and/or classroom is not advisable. These include a hostile intruder, hazardous release outside, terrorist attack or criminal activity near he school. General emergency lockdown procedures are as follows: COMMUNICATION If a situation that may require an emergency lockdown is discovered, the individual making the discovery shall immediately contact police/security and provide as much information as possible. Fire evacuation alarms are not to be sounded. PROCEDURES 1. Lock classroom and other doors. 2. Close windows and window treatments. 3. Turn off the lights. 4. Everyone is to remain quiet and not enter hallways. 5. Should the fire alarm sound, do not evacuate the building unless: a) You have first-hand knowledge that there is a fire in the building, or b) You have been advised by police/security to evacuate the building. 6. Move students out of sight from doors and windows. 7. Students in hallways are to seek shelter in the nearest classroom. 8. Students in outdoor areas should immediately take cover. Return to the gym if is safe to do so. If the threat is outdoors on campus grounds, all outdoor activities should be cancelled.

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