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Great turnout for ASBSD’s Legislative Day

ASBSD’s Legislative Day brought school board members and administrators together with legislators to sit down and build and strengthen relationships.   “We’re not here today to lobby you,” ASBSD Executive Director Wade Pogany told the attendees. “We’re here to get to know each other.”   For photos from the event, visit the ASBSD Facebook page.

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Three percent bill through Senate

South Dakota Senators showed their support for the three percent increase proposed by Gov. Dennis Daugaard with unanimous passage of Senate Bill 37.   The bill that supplies school districts with the proposed three percent funding increase, which would set the per-student allocation at $4,764 for the 2014-15 school year.   In addition to providing

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Three percent bill through committee

The bill that supplies school districts with the proposed three percent funding increase from Gov. Dennis Daugaard passed through Senate Appropriations unanimously on Thursday.   ASBSD supports the bill.   In addition to providing the three percent increase, Senate Bill 37 sets the property tax levies for a school district’s general fund for fiscal year

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