School Safety

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School Safety

School Safety

Policy Matters now available online

  ASBSD’s Policy Matters publication is available online.   Below you will find a link to the May edition, which centers on school safety. Just like December’s edition, the online version has a magazine format that’s easy to navigate with different tools making it interactive.   Check out the latest Policy Matters ––May/index.html#1.   If you have questions, comments, concerns

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Policy Matters Preview: SDOHS school safety assessment

ASBSD’s Policy Matters publication will be available tomorrow. The May edition centers around school safety. Below is an article on the school safety assessment completed by the South Dakota Office of Homeland Security.   Being vigilant of student safety is an ongoing task for school districts and the South Dakota Office of Homeland Security offers

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“Sentinel” bill passed, Open Meetings bill impeded by House

Votes on two bills connected to school boards by the House of Representatives yielded differently results this afternoon (Tuesday).   Representatives voted 42-27 to pass House Bill 1087, which would allow school boards to “create, establish and supervise” a “sentinel” program that would arm staff, security or volunteers on school grounds.   A lengthy debate preceded the vote with proponents arguing the

“Sentinel” bill passed, Open Meetings bill impeded by House Read More »

“Sentinel” bill passes committee

A bill that would allow the arming of school employees or volunteers on school grounds passed the House Education committee by an 8-7 vote this morning.   House Bill 1087 was amended to include requirement that school boards receive approval from the county sheriff with jurisdiction over the district before implementing the “sentinel” program, non-law enforcement individuals acting as school “sentinels” receive training from law

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ASBSD Weekly Legislative Roundup

“Sentinel” bill passes committee   Following almost three hours of testimony and discussion spread acrosstwo days, the House Education committee passed an amended version of House Bill 1087 by an 8-7 vote this morning. The bill moves to the House floor for hearing next week.   The bill would allow school boards to “create, establish and supervise” a “sentinel” program that would arm

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Vote on “Sentinel” bill deferred

The House Education committee deferred a vote until Friday on House Bill1087, which would allow school boards to arm staff, security or volunteers on school grounds, following a lengthy hearing this morning.   Testimony from opponents and proponents of the bill was completed and committee members opted to continue discussion on the matter before proceeding with a vote.  

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