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Student Achievement

UPDATED: Collective Bargaining Seminars Scheduled

With the passage of each piece of Gov. Dennis Daugaard and the Blue Ribbon Task Force’s education funding proposal, the negotiations landscape has changed and ASBSD is here to explain the requirements that come with the new laws and answer your questions.   We will host Collective Bargaining Seminars to update school board members and […]

UPDATED: Collective Bargaining Seminars Scheduled Read More »

SB 159: Private school scholarship bill sent through Senate

Two weeks after it came out of committee, a bill providing funding for private school scholarships found its way out of the Senate.   Senate Bill 159, which uses tax credits from the insurance company premium and annuity tax to fund private school scholarships, passed the Senate on a vote of 24-11.   SB 159 would

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HB 1182: Senate comm. supports sales tax increase

A recurring theme of legislative committee hearings of the bill calling for the increase to the state’s sales tax is the lack of opponent testimony.   Similar to its House committee hearing, House Bill 1182, which increases the state’s sales tax by a half cent and reduces property taxes, had a line of proponents testifying

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SB 131: Funding formula proposal approved by Senate

The final piece in a proposal to increase funding for public education and teacher pay passed its legislative chamber of origin on Tuesday (2/23).   Senators voted 29-6 to pass Senate Bill 131, which establishes a target teacher salary and a target teacher ratio and revises certain provisions regarding education funding.   SB 131 was

SB 131: Funding formula proposal approved by Senate Read More »

HB 1182: Sales Tax Increase bill passes House on second try

After years of need, months of discussion, weeks of review, days of votes and delays, and few changed minds, a bill providing the much needed revenue source for school districts to improve teacher pay took its first step towards becoming law on Monday (2/22).   Members of the House of Representatives voted 47-21 to pass

HB 1182: Sales Tax Increase bill passes House on second try Read More »

SB 131 & 133: Bills from Gov’s ed. funding incresae proposal advance

Two-thirds of Gov. Dennis Daugaard’s teacher pay increase proposal advanced in the legislative process.   Senate State Affairs committee members unanimously approved Senate Bill 131, which establishes a target teacher salary and a target teacher ratio and to revise certain provisions regarding education funding, and Senate Bill 133, which appropriates funds for districts to use

SB 131 & 133: Bills from Gov’s ed. funding incresae proposal advance Read More »

ASBSD Board meets for first time in 2016

Members of the ASBSD Board of Directors met for the first time in 2016 to welcome a new member to the group and follow up on the latest from legislative session.   Montrose School Board Member Alan Van Ruler attended his inaugural meeting as a member of the Board Directors, since being appointed ASBSD President

ASBSD Board meets for first time in 2016 Read More »

HB 1182: Sales Tax Increase bill debate stalled

This afternoon members of the House of Representatives began the debate on the proposed half cent increase to the state sales tax – House Bill 1182 – that will provide school districts the new, ongoing revenue source desperately needed to attract and retain our teachers.   The debate, however, was cut short when members of

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HB 1182: Sales tax increase bill sails through comm.

A parade of supporters and unanimous committee vote got Gov. Dennis Daugaard’s proposal to increase teacher pay off to a great start on Monday (2/8).   Nearly 20 supporters from the education, business and agriculture communities testified in favor of House Bill 1182, which increases the state’s sales tax by a half cent and reduces

HB 1182: Sales tax increase bill sails through comm. Read More »

Submit your good news ideas or stories by Friday

We NEED your district’s Good News stories or ideas.   We need to share the stories prove why our public school districts are great with our legislators and the public. Submit story ideas (you do not have to write the full story, just submit an idea and we can take it from there) along with

Submit your good news ideas or stories by Friday Read More »

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