Teacher Pay

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Teacher Pay

Tech, certificate and hours bills advance

Three bills supported by ASBSD made it through House Education on Wednesday.   House Bill 1005, which appropriates $2.85 million for technology-oriented professional development to be used for teacher compensation, passed and was referred to House Appropriations on 15-0 vote.   The bill was previous killed by the committee, but was brought back for reconsideration […]

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Survey says: teacher applicant pool inadequate

The House and Senate had their opportunity earlier in session to voice their opinions on the growing concern in school districts about a potential teacher adequacy problem and shortage with their votes on House Concurrent Resolution 1002.   The resolution called for the acknowledgement of the teacher shortage and the difficulties districts in South Dakota

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Senate says no to teacher shortage resolution

Unlike the House of Representatives, there was no resistance vocalized in the Senate for House Concurrent Resolution 1002. However, unlike the House (49-18 pass), the Senate voted down the resolution, 19-15.   HCR 1002 acknowledges the teacher shortage and the difficulties districts in South Dakota face in attracting and retaining qualified teachers. ASBSD supported the resolution.

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Reps ratify resolutions

Howling and bitter northwest winds couldn’t keep the House of Representatives from adopting two education-related resolutions on Thursday.   Representatives voted 49-18 to adopted House Concurrent Resolution 1002, which acknowledges the teacher shortage and the difficulties districts in South Dakota face in attracting and retaining qualified teachers.   “The resolution brings awareness to the legislature

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