Civics education update shared with committees

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Civics education update shared with committees

An update on what to expect for civics education in South Dakota was provided recently.


Sec. of Education Tiffany Sanderson shared information with two legislative committees last week about the proposed updates to civic education discussed by Gov. Kristi Noem in December and January.


Sec. Sanderson told members of the Senate Education committee the civics education update is “not to do away with anything is in existence” currently in standards and curriculum only to “strengthen the full package.”


Proposed one-time funding of $900,000 would go to four areas of the review and development of civics education, including:

  • Creating instructional materials and resources related to South Dakota history, government and geography for schools in the state to utilize, if they choose;
  • A pilot program for schools to implement new civics programs, if they choose;
  • An instructional materials review;
  • Teacher professional development.

The civics standards will be reviewed this year by a committee comprised of multiple members and presented to the State Board of Education for review and approval.


ASBSD will provide updates on the civics standards and materials development, as they develop.

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