New choice intro’d for schools to use CO fund dollars

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New choice intro’d for schools to use CO fund dollars

Capital outlay continues to be at the center of legislative conversation.


House State Affairs committee members voted to support a hoghouse amendment to House Bill 1218, which would allow any school district to designate up to $0.25 of their capital outlay levy to fund a post-secondary technical institute. The maximum level of $3 per $1,000 of valuation for the levy could not be exceeded.


The committee’s passage of HB 1218 comes just a few days after the defeat of House Bill 1207, which would have limited revenue collection of the school district capital outlay fund, implemented opt-out procedures for the fund and added $72 per-student to state aid.


Rep. Mark Mickelson, the lone testifier, introduced the hoghouse amendment to the bill that was previously parked as vehicle legislation. He noted the portion of capital outlay levy funding up to $0.25 could be used by districts to fund partnership programs between their school and an area technical institute.


ASBSD is monitoring the bill.

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