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Bill NumberASBSD SummaryPositionCurrent LocationDate of last update
House Bill 1002Requires all certified educators to take a course in South Dakota Indian Studies.MonitorSigned by Governor2/19/2025
House Bill 1003Amends definitions pertaining to the school funding formula.MonitorSigned by Governor2/19/2025
House Bill 1004Provides tuition for a student who is placed in a residential treatment center.MonitorSigned by Governor2/19/2025
House Bill 1009Creates and funds a private school voucher program.OpposeKilled1/29/2025
House Bill 1010Requires cost model reports for certain programs and institutions.MonitorKilled2/18/2025
House Bill 1017Removes the local control of a district to determine payment for entrance to activities.OpposeKilled2/3/2025
House Bill 1019Decreases the owner-occupied property tax levy to $0 and increases the sales tax to 5 percent with the intention to cover state aid.MonitorKilled2/19/2025
House Bill 1020Creates and funds a school voucher program for private and homeschool education.OpposeKilled1/29/2025
House Bill 1035Appropriates $10 million in grant funding for school security enhancements.SupportKilled2/21/2025
House Bill 1039Repeals the state reimbursement program for teachers and school counselors who earn national board certification.MonitorSenate Education (Hearing on 3/4/25)3/4/2025
House Bill 1040Adjusts the dual credit payment split between the student and the state.MonitorSenate Education (Hearing on 3/4/25)3/4/2025
House Bill 1041Revises and repeals certain provisions pertaining to the state library and State Library Board and makes an appropriation.MonitorSenate (Awaiting Committee)3/3/2025
House Bill 1048Removes the local control of a school district and requires cash be accepted for any fee or charge.OpposeKilled1/27/2025
House Bill 1054Forces a school board to develop a policy requiring the district to allow volunteer applicants into the building as chaplains to speak with students.OpposeKilled2/5/2025
House Bill 1059Clarifies the meaning of teleconference for purposes of open meeting requirements.MonitorHouse Floor (On Agenda on 3/4/25)3/4/2025
House Bill 1068Allows a student to wear certain items at a graduation ceremony beginning with 2025 graduations.OpposeGovernor's Desk2/26/2025
House Bill 1077Adds required topics to the South Dakota health education standards.OpposeKilled2/3/2025
House Bill 1089Amends the parameters of free and reduced-lunch qualification for students.MonitorKilled2/24/2025
House Bill 1090Makes hazing a crime.MonitorKilled2/3/2025
House Bill 1092Appropriates $500,000 for a student teacher stipend grant program.SupportGovernor's Desk2/27/2025
House Bill 1093Mandates a school bond election be held on one of three dates during a calendar year.OpposeGovernor's Desk2/27/2025
House Bill 1094Amends laws regarding external school bus video cameras.MonitorGovernor's Desk3/3/2025
House Bill 1105Subverts local control and requires the posting of the state motto or seal in each classroom in a public school.OpposeKilled2/11/2025
House Bill 1119Caps property tax assessment growth on owner-occupied and commercial property at 3 percent year-over-year.OpposeKilled2/21/2025
House Bill 1120Appropriates $2 million to the State Library.MonitorKilled2/6/2025
House Bill 1130Mandates the date of school election to be held in June or November.OpposeSenate State Affairs (Hearing on 3/5/25)3/5/2025
House Bill 1134Vehicle BillMonitorKilled2/24/2025
House Bill 1135Vehicle BillMonitorSenate State Affairs (Hearing on 3/5/25)3/5/2025
House Bill 1138Lowers owner-occupied property tax levy and does not include replacement revenue.OpposeKilled2/21/2025
House Bill 1147Requires that public entities submit to forensic accounting in cases of financial misconduct.MonitorKilled2/6/2025
House Bill 1152Prohibits the enforcement and implementation of directives from intergovernmental organizations.MonitorKilled2/18/2025
House Bill 1158Prohibits the use of public funds for campaigning or other partisan activity.OpposeKilled2/3/2025
House Bill 1171Requires a school curriculum include human growth and development within the health curriculum.OpposeKilled2/10/2025
House Bill 1172Requires a high school health curriculum include human sexuality and human development within the womb.OpposeKilled2/10/2025
House Bill 1177Circumvents local control and policy in dealing with a student.OpposeKilled 2/10/2025
House Bill 1180Requires a school board candidate to list political party affiliation.OpposeKilled2/18/2025
House Bill 1181Requires a school district to provide dyslexia screening.OpposeKilled2/12/2025
House Bill 1182Provides for the recall of a member of a board of a school district.OpposeKilled2/10/2025
House Bill 1183Amends the other revenue base amount available to certain school districts.MonitorKilled2/10/2025
House Bill 1185Prohibits a school district from joining an education association that provides lobbying services.OpposeKilled2/13/2025
House Bill 1191Subjects advertising services to a gross receipts tax, and to allocate proceeds to property tax relief.MonitorKilled2/21/2025
House Bill 1197Permits a teacher to assist a student in objectively reviewing scientific information.OpposeKilled2/12/2025
House Bill 1200Permits merit pay as a component of teacher compensation.OpposeSenate Education (Hearing on 3/4/25)3/4/2025
House Bill 1201Establishes requirements for school counseling services.OpposeKilled2/13/2025
House Bill 1222Permits concealed carry in a person's own vehicle while on school grounds.MonitorHouse Floor (On Agenda on 3/4/25)3/4/2025
House Bill 1229Exempts dollars from property taxes and implements a tax credit process without revenue replacement.OpposeKilled2/21/2025
House Bill 1235Includes school districts in the property tax cap.OpposeSenate Taxation (Awaiting Hearing)2/26/2025
House Bill 1239Removes a legal protection for schools related to school materials.OpposeSenate Judiciary (Hearing on 3/6/25)3/6/2025
House Bill 1241Vehicle bill related to property taxes.MonitorKilled2/19/2025
House Bill 1244Prohibits public school employees from participating in political activity.OpposeKilled2/21/2025
House Bill 1254Removes local control related to a school handbook.OpposeKilled2/19/2025
House Bill 1255Places an unnecessary mandate on public school districts.OpposeKilled2/19/2025
House Bill 1259Removes the local control of a school board to establish policy on use of bathrooms and locker rooms.OpposeSenate Floor (Awaiting Vote)3/3/2025
HJR 5005Proposes a ballot measure to cap property tax valuation.MonitorKilled2/24/2025
HCR 6005Encourages a school board to develop and implement a policy that limits the use of cell phones & other tech devices.MonitorEnrolled2/11/2025
HC 8011Honors the Tea Area School Board as the 2024 School Board Award of Excellence recipient. SupportEnrolled2/20/2025
HC 8012Honors South Central School Board Member Greg Hausmann for his 25 years of service.SupportEnrolled2/20/2025
Senate Bill 7Prohibits the adoption or implementation of certain policies related to immigration enforcement.MonitorSigned by Governor2/10/2025
Senate Bill 48Modifies provisions pertaining to the registration of voters.MonitorKilled2/24/2025
Senate Bill 51Requires the posting of the Ten Commandments and accompanying documents in every classroom in every school buildingOpposeKilled2/10/2025
Senate Bill 55Provides the proposed increase in state aid to public schools.SupportJoint Appropriations (Awaiting Hearing)1/15/2025
Senate Bill 70Increases the sparsity cap to $137,000.SupportHouse Education (Hearing on 3/5/25)3/5/2025
Senate Bill 71Revises provisions pertaining to the compulsory age for school attendance.OpposeGovernor's Desk2/24/2025
Senate Bill 74Requires an annual review of the open meeting laws of the state.MonitorSigned by Governor2/12/2025
Senate Bill 85Freezes property tax assessment values based on a specific criteria without a proposed revenue replacement.OpposeKilled2/19/2025
Senate Bill 101Provides a tax credit to limit the taxes due on property over the previous year.OpposeKilled2/19/2025
Senate Bill 109Permits a school district to implement a specific education plan for certain students.MonitorGovernor's Desk2/27/2025
Senate Bill 112Circumvents local school board policy to implement a new process for complaint.OpposeKilled2/4/2025
Senate Bill 113Attempts to codify rights and responsibilities that supersede all state and local control.OpposeHouse State Affairs (Hearing on 3/5/25)3/5/2025
Senate Bill 121Decreases the owner-occupied property tax levy to $0 and increases the sales tax to 5 percent with the intention to cover state aid.MonitorKilled2/21/2025
Senate Bill 141Distinguishes between new construction and improvements to existing structures for purposes of calculating increases in revenue payable from property taxes.OpposeKilled2/19/2025
Senate Bill 155Reduces the amount of net receipts of unclaimed property deposited into the general fund.MonitorHouse Appropriations (Hearing on 3/4/25)3/4/2025
Senate Bill 161Sets a maximum administrators salary.OpposeKilled2/7/2025
Senate Bill 168Prohibits non-disclosure agreements in settlement cases involving the ASBPT Workers Comp Pool.OpposeKilled2/20/2025
Senate Bill 169Requires a taxing districts hold a public hearing when increasing property tax revenues relative to the previous year.MonitorHouse Taxation (Hearing on 3/4/25)3/4/2025
Senate Bill 187Prohibits political subdivisions from interfering with immigration enforcement.MonitorKilled2/11/2025
Senate Bill 189Appropriates funds for the Fiscal Year 2026 general fund.MonitorJoint Appropriations (Awaiting hearing)2/4/2025
Senate Bill 190Creates an education property tax credit for parents that send their children to private school or choose to homeschool.OpposeKilled2/13/2025
Senate Bill 191Limits annual valuation increases on owner-occupied single-family dwellings.OpposeHouse State Affairs (On Agenda on 3/5/25)3/5/2025
Senate Bill 196Incorporate the Oceti Sakowin Essential Understandings in public school curriculum.MonitorKilled2/18/2025
Senate Bill 197Vehicle BillMonitorKilled2/12/2025
Senate Bill 207Dismantles the property tax collection system for public schools.OpposeKilled2/21/2025
Senate Bill 208Requires an election for any bond or capital outlay certificate agreement.OpposeKilled3/3/2025
Senate Bill 213Eliminates the sales tax on food.MonitorKilled2/19/2025
Senate Bill 214Repeals the sunset clause on the sales tax.MonitorKilled2/20/2025
Senate Bill 216Caps the assessed value of owner-occupied property taxes for five years beginning in 2027.MonitorHouse State Affairs (On Agenda on 3/5/25)3/5/2025
Senate Bill 217Prohibits the use of tabulating machinesMonitorKilled2/12/2025
Senate Bill 219Removes the local control of a district to determine payment for entrance to activities.OpposeGovernor's Desk2/27/2025
SJR 506Proposes a ballot measure for an amendment to the state Constitution limiting to a flat rate the real property taxes.MonitorKilled2/24/2025
SC 804Honors the 2023-24 Outstanding School AdministratorsSupportEnrolled2/5/2025
SC 806Honors Eagle Butte School Board Member Jonni Arpan as the 2024 Outstanding School Board Member of Year.SupportEnrolled2/10/2025
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