South Dakota School Board Recognition Week is the time to recognize the men and women who dedicate their time and energy to serving on your locally elected school board.
“We’ll join together to thank those individuals who show great leadership and dedication, especially during this trying year, on their local public school board during School Board Recognition Week,” ASBSD Executive Director Wade Pogany said.
“This is a time for us to share our appreciation for their amazing effort in serving their students, staff and communities.”
South Dakota School Board Recognition Week is set for February 15-19, which will take place a week after some districts are scheduled to hold their monthly meeting, but we encourage your district to recognize school board members at their upcoming school board meeting.
ASBSD has provided districts a certificate recognizing each school board collectively for South Dakota School Board Recognition Week, but additional documents helping your district celebrate the week can be downloaded from ASBSD’s Publications and Forms page under the “Events” header.
If you have any questions, please contact Tyler at
Thank you for your support in making South Dakota School Board Recognition Week a success.