Free emergency planning course for school officials

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Free emergency planning course for school officials

Preparing for all types of disaster is of the utmost importance in school safety.


The South Dakota Office of Emergency Management is hosting a FREE, two-day course in April to help school district officials prepare for all types of potential disasters.


District officials can register for the Multi-Hazard Emergency Planning for Schools course, which will be held on Thursday and Friday, April 6-7 in Pierre at the George S. Mickelson Criminal Justice Center.


Click here to register for the FREE course.




The FREE Multi-Hazard Emergency Planning for Schools course will describe emergency management operations, roles, and duties, explain how to assess potential hazards that schools may face and explain how to develop and test an Emergency Operations Plan that addresses all potential hazards.


After taking the course, attendees will be able to explain the importance of a school safety program to others and to lead individuals in their schools and community through the process of developing an effective multi-hazard program.


If you have questions about the course, please contact S.D. OEM at 605-773-3231.

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