LAN training webinar on Wednesday (1/24)

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LAN training webinar on Wednesday (1/24)

Advocating on behalf of our public school system is an important job and ASBSD’s Legislative Action Network (LAN) steps up to take on that task.


With the 2018 legislative session just two months away, we’re preparing for session by activating ASBSD LAN, which is designed to activate local school board members to communicate to legislators the positions of ASBSD and their local board on legislative issues relating to public schools.


Every school board appoints a board member, or board members should they want more than one, as its ASBSD LAN representative(s).


Download the LAN appointment form here.


During session, ASBSD will periodically request LAN members contact their state legislators and communicate the legislative stance of ASBSD and their local school district.


LAN members effectively advocate the legislative positions that benefit public schools by:

  • Maintaining dialogue with state policy-makers,
  • Staying informed about current education issues,
  • Contacting their legislators within a short period of time after receiving notice from ASBSD to advocate on behalf of their local board,
  • Providing specific information to legislators from their local district perspective,
  • Informing fellow board members of the relationship between state policy and public schools.


ASBSD plans to hold a webinar training session from 7 to 10 p.m. for LAN members to explain their role in advocating, familiarize them with legislators and legislation expected to emerge in 2018.


Each event is free to attend and scheduled for:


“School board members are leaders in public education and must stay informed on the issues and active in the conversations affecting our schools,” ASBSD Executive Director Wade Pogany said.


“At these trainings we’ll equip LAN members with the tools they’ll need to advocate effectively for public education.”


Download the LAN appointment form here.  


If you have questions about LAN or the training event, please contact Tyler Pickner at or at 605-773-8382 or 605-881-3791.