2014 Legislative Session

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2014 Legislative Session

Gov. signs three health and wellbeing bills

Three bills related to health and wellbeing of students and staff members in schools were signed by Gov. Dennis Daugaard recently.   The ASBSD supported, House Bill 1181, which allows for the requirement of a certification of health from an employee of a school at the request of the district’s Superintendent, was signed. The bill returned

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Eval data protection bill signed

House Bill 1030, which makes evaluation data of a teacher, principal or other school employee compiled by a school district confidential, was signed by Gov. Dennis Daugaard.   Secretary of Education Melody Schopp testified during session that the evaluation information will “improve the practice” of teaching and needs to be confidential because it could contain

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CC compromise bills signed by Gov

Gov. Dennis Daugaard has been busy signing bills and among them are two Common Core related pieces of legislation.   Senate Bill 63 faced no opposing votes during its path through the legislature. The bill protects the privacy of student records by prohibiting the collection of student information including, political affiliation, religious practices and family

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Schools receive funding above three percent

The fervor surrounding school funding had been building.   It started in 2011 when the state handed down funding cuts to balance the budget and progressed each year after. During the 2013 legislative interim when the legislature commissioned a school funding study details of an oncoming crisis were discussed.   School districts were losing great

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