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Action deferred on financial incentive flexibility bill

Action was deferred by the House Education committee until next week on Senate Bill 132, which would allow districts leeway to offer a signing bonus, moving expenses, or tuition reimbursement to a teacher employed in the school district.   Committee members heard testimony on the bill, which was passed in the Senate on a 26-7 […]

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Two board related bills going to Gov’s desk

Two bills supported by ASBSD are on their way to the second floor of the Capitol Building to await Gov. Daugaard’s signature.   Senators passed a bill strengthening a school district’s local control over curriculum and method of instruction decisions on a 33-1 vote.   Sen. Bruce Rampelberg said House Bill 1101 would “make it

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New open meeting provision would open up text records

The texts and emails of school board members and other political subdivision representatives are closer to coming under review based on suspicion of open meeting violations.   Representatives voted 47-22 in support of House Bill 1153, which would include electronic text colloquy on the list of public records that may be reviewed by the public when

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Online education resource bill on to House

A bill described by Sen. Tim Rave as a “forward looking” pilot found favor in the Senate on crossover day.   Senators unanimously passed Senate Bill 176, which would appropriate funds for the development of online resources and a rubric of textbook analysis for use in school districts. The bill includes $1 placeholder funding.   Sen.

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Agenda posting provision passed by Sen. State Affairs

Members of the Senate State Affairs committee unanimously passed a bill that requires a governmental entity to post their meeting agenda in a public place for a continuous 24-hour period prior to the meeting.   ASBSD supports House Bill 1125, which would add the word “continuous” to the law.   Director of Policy and Legal Services Gerry Kaufman said

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Senate sends non-public school scholarship program to House

A bill that could remove up to $4 million in state funds to indirectly fund non-public school scholarships received support in the Senate.   Senators voted 23-12 to pass Senate Bill 189, which would provide a tax credit to insurance companies contributing money to an organization that provides funding to cover the cost of a student enrolling

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Lockdown drill bill passed by House Ed. comm.

House Education committee members unanimously passed Senate Bill 89, which would require school districts to develop safety plans and conduct lockdown drills.   “We believe many of the schools in the state have a (lockdown) plan,” SASD Executive Director Rob Monson said. “(Schools) want to make sure students are safe and taken care of. This (bill)

Lockdown drill bill passed by House Ed. comm. Read More »

Two percent increase through one chamber

Despite some debate the bill providing a two percent increase in state aid for schools passed through its first chamber.   On a 25-10 vote, Senators approved Senate Bill 53, which would bring the per-student allocation to approximately $4,877 for the 2015-16 school year.   Along with the proposed two percent increase, SB 53 adds the costs of

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