State Aid

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State Aid

State Aid

Appropriators pass 3.35 percent increase proposal

A lot of the talk in Pierre throughout session revolved around legislators doing something above the three percent increase to state aid for schools proposed by Gov. Dennis Daugaard.   On Friday, Joint Appropriators backed that sentiment by approving an amendment providing an approximately 3.35 percent increase – for $2.2 million total – to state

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School district fund balances questioned

The discussion about the levels of school district general fund balances has subtly reemerged in the Capitol building during the home stretch of legislative session.   During Friday’s Joint Appropriations committee hearing for Senate Bill 187 – the state’s general fund bill – Rep. Susan Wismer addressed the topic.   “We are taking a snapshot

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School funding not discussed on day one of budget debate

It was a bit anticlimactic in appropriations on Thursday, so far as school funding was concerned.   Members of the Joint Appropriations committee met for a little over an hour and covered just over a 1/3 of the funding amendments submitted for Senate Bill 187, which is the general fund bill for Fiscal Year 2015.

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Revenue projections adopted by Appropriators

Members of the Joint Appropriations adopted revenue projections of $1.392 billion for the fiscal year 2015 budget on Tuesday.   The projection comes in just $1 million under Gov. Dennis Daugaard’s proposed budget, which likely indicates schools will receive the proposed three percent increase in state aid. Gov. Daugaard’s budget proposal totaled $1.393 billion.  

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