Student Achievement

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Student Achievement

2020 Academic Excellence Luncheon cancelled, students still to be recognized

Due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus, ASBSD has cancelled the 2020 Academic Excellence Luncheon.   The annual luncheon, which is held in conjunction with Gov Kristi Noem’s office, honors the best and brightest of the graduating class.   “We’re disappointed to have to cancel the luncheon, but it is in the best interest of […]

2020 Academic Excellence Luncheon cancelled, students still to be recognized Read More »

Special education set to receive increase in funding

Special education is set to receive an increase in aid for the 2020-21 school year.   House 1042, which sets the Special Education levy and disability level funding for FY 2021, passed the House on a 60-7 vote and the Senate on a 32-2 vote.   HB 1042 sets the maximum special education fund levy

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House Education sends new school system bill to 41st day

A smoke-out attempt didn’t save a bill creating a new school system in South Dakota, which had previously been defeated in committee.   Senate Bill 66, which creates and funds Oceti Sakowin community-based schools, was defeated by the House Education committee on a 9-5 vote with a smoke-out attempt being unsuccessful on the House floor

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New provision for C/O fund purchases put in statute

It wasn’t unanimous, but a new provision for purchases with capital outlay reached the Governor’s desk.   House members voted 50-18 to pass Senate Bill 174, which permits capital outlay funding to be used to purchase or renew instructional software. Votes on the bill had previously been all “Yes.”   “Today’s modern classroom is so

New provision for C/O fund purchases put in statute Read More »

Senate approves BOE appointments

The latest members of the state Board of Education standards were confirmed recently.   Phyllis Heineman’s and Julie Westra’s appointments to the South Dakota State Board of Education were approved unanimously by the Senate Education committee and on a 31-3 by the full Senate. In January, Gov. Kristi Noem appointed each individual to the state board.  

Senate approves BOE appointments Read More »

S.D. JAG program expansion entered into statute

A bill expanding the Jobs for America’s Graduates in the state reached the governor’s desk.   Following a unanimous vote by House Education committee members, Senate Bill 39, which creates Jobs for SD’s Graduates program and special donation fund, passed the House on a 60-7 vote and was signed by Gov. Kristi Noem. ASBSD was

S.D. JAG program expansion entered into statute Read More »

COVID-19 Q&A and other resources

It is the goal of everyone associated with education in South Dakota to provide as much information and resources to assist schools during this trying time.   The South Dakota Department of Education has assembled a document of commonly asked questions compiled into one resource for school districts to reference and will update it regularly

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Statewide assessments not required this year

Statewide assessments will not be required for the 2019-20 school year.   The U.S. Department of Education has informally approved the South Dakota Department of Education’s waiver of statewide assessment requirements, accountability and school identification requirements for the school year.   Through this waiver, South Dakota will not need to administer its statewide assessments to

Statewide assessments not required this year Read More »

POSTPONED: School law and security lead topics for School Law Webinars

The School Law Webinar series is returning to connect you with the best minds in school law and security.   Join COSA and ASBSD as our school law experts cover seven key legal and security topics affecting school districts in an hour-long webinar, which will also feature time for you to get your questions about

POSTPONED: School law and security lead topics for School Law Webinars Read More »

New school system bill soars through Senate

There was no resistance on a bill creating a new school system in South Dakota as it crossed the Capitol hall.   Senators voted 35-0 in favor of Senate Bill 66, which creates and funds Oceti Sakowin community-based schools.   Sen. Troy Heinert said the bill “let’s parents work with the district and provide an

New school system bill soars through Senate Read More »

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