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Appropriators adopt revenue projections

With the revenue projections presented the financial parameters were set for South Dakota’s fiscal year 2016 budget.   Legislative appropriators adopted the revenue projection recommendations presented by the appropriations subcommittee for the FY16 budget, as well as the FY15 updated projections.   Rep. Dan Dryden said the revenue projections presented by the Bureau of Finance […]

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Conference committees appointed, bills passed on 36th legislative day

Along with the adoption of revenue projections, the 36th legislative day featured the appointment of legislative conference committees and the ratification of three K-12 related education.   A legislative conference committee consists of a group of Senators and Representatives who review a bill that has been amended in one or both chambers and attempt to

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House sends three bills back to Senate for review

Three K-12 related bills were passed by the House during Wednesday (3/10) morning’s session.   Senate Bill 132, which would allow districts leeway to offer a signing bonus, moving expenses, or tuition reimbursement to a teacher employed in the school district, passed on a 53-13 vote.   ASBSD supports the bill.   Rep. Jacqueline Sly said

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Debate around bill supporting non-public school scholarships with public funds appears over

Barring a hoghouse amendment, a bill that would divert public funding towards non-public school scholarships appears to have run its legislative course.   Senate Bill 189, which would provide a tax credit to insurance companies contributing money to an organization that provides funding to cover the cost of a student enrolling in a private school

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House Appropriations committee passes three K-12 funding bills

Three K-12 related bills passed the House Appropriations committee to start the final week of 90th legislative session.   House Appropriators approved Senate Bill 53, which would provide the proposed two percent increase to the state aid formula and bring the per-student allocation to approximately $4,877 for the 2015-16 school year.   At two percent,

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Revenue projections presented to appropriators

Revenue projections for South Dakota were not rosy.   Representatives from South Dakota Bureau of Finance and Management and Legislative Research Council presented the projections to legislative appropriators on Monday (3/9).   Compared to the projections proposed by Gov. Dennis Daugaard during his Budget Address in December, BFM projects an approximately $10 million shortfall and

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No resolution on bill promoting public funding be used for private school scholarships

Resolution on a bill that would divert public funding towards non-public school scholarships remains unclear.   Senate Bill 189, which would provide a tax credit to insurance companies contributing money to an organization that provides funding to cover the cost of a student enrolling in a private school and for instructional supply grants for teachers,

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CO option for schools to fund tech institutes tabled

At the request of the prime sponsor, Senate Education committee members tabled House Bill 1218.   Rep. Mark Mickelson asked committee members to table the bill, which would have allowed any school district to designate up to $0.25 of their capital outlay levy to fund a post-secondary technical institute.   HB 1218 previously passed the

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Update to CO program passes committee

Senate Bill 191, which revises certain provisions in a program for capital outlay certificates and lease purchase agreements of school districts, cleared another legislative hurdle this morning.   House State Affairs committee members unanimously passed the bill, which would designate the South Dakota Health and Educational Facilities Authority Intercept Program as the debtor for capital outlay bonds

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