Teacher Pay

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Teacher Pay

One-third of teaching candidates leave state after graduation

One out of three teaching candidates who graduated from a South Dakota college or university in the past year took an out-of-state position according to a study completed by the South Dakota School Administrators (SASD).   The latest data revealed 260 of the more than 770 graduates who obtained an education related degree were placed […]

One-third of teaching candidates leave state after graduation Read More »

Gov. appoints first Task Force members

Gov. Dennis Daugaard made the first wave of appointments to his Blue Ribbon Task Force recently.   In February, Gov. Daugaard announced plans for the Task Force, which is charged with solving the teacher shortage, reviewing school funding and examining student achievement.   The Task Force will be co-chaired by Rep. Jacqueline Sly and Sen.

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House sends three bills back to Senate for review

Three K-12 related bills were passed by the House during Wednesday (3/10) morning’s session.   Senate Bill 132, which would allow districts leeway to offer a signing bonus, moving expenses, or tuition reimbursement to a teacher employed in the school district, passed on a 53-13 vote.   ASBSD supports the bill.   Rep. Jacqueline Sly said

House sends three bills back to Senate for review Read More »

Revenue projections presented to appropriators

Revenue projections for South Dakota were not rosy.   Representatives from South Dakota Bureau of Finance and Management and Legislative Research Council presented the projections to legislative appropriators on Monday (3/9).   Compared to the projections proposed by Gov. Dennis Daugaard during his Budget Address in December, BFM projects an approximately $10 million shortfall and

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House Ed. comm. passes financial incentives and minor boundary change bills

House Education committee members pass two bills in their last scheduled meeting of the legislative session.   After deferring action on Senate Bill 132 at last Friday’s committee meeting, the group passed the bill on an 11-3 vote on Wednesday.   SB 132 would allow districts leeway to offer a signing bonus, moving expenses, or

House Ed. comm. passes financial incentives and minor boundary change bills Read More »

Appropriators part ways with teacher recruit program

Senate Appropriators tabled a proposal that would have established and funded a program to recruit and retain teachers for rural school districts.   House Bill 1092 encouraged individuals working as paraprofessionals in school districts with 600 or fewer students enrolled and at least one teaching position unfilled the previous year to enroll in a post-secondary program,

Appropriators part ways with teacher recruit program Read More »

Action deferred on financial incentive flexibility bill

Action was deferred by the House Education committee until next week on Senate Bill 132, which would allow districts leeway to offer a signing bonus, moving expenses, or tuition reimbursement to a teacher employed in the school district.   Committee members heard testimony on the bill, which was passed in the Senate on a 26-7

Action deferred on financial incentive flexibility bill Read More »

Committee tables teacher recruitment program

A bill promoting teacher recruitment to rural school districts did not survive committee action.   Senate Bill 144, which would create a tuition reimbursement program for certain teachers teaching in rural school districts, was sent to the 41st legislative day by the Senate Appropriations committee.   SB 144 would have established the reimbursement fund for teachers

Committee tables teacher recruitment program Read More »

ASBSD February board meeting recap

Members of the ASBSD Board of Directors met for the first time in 2015. The board met on Monday, Feb. 16, one day in advance of ASBSD’s Legislative Day.   Board members reviewed key legislation and happenings from South Dakota’s 99th legislative session.   After much deliberation a majority vote of the board resulted in

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