Committee approves civics literacy program

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Committee approves civics literacy program

Committee members confirmed a program commending students for civics literacy.


House Education committee members passed House Bill 1051, which establishes the South Dakota state seal of civics literacy program, on a 14-0 vote.


HB 1051 creates a voluntary program that school districts can choose to participate in which would affix a sticker of the state seal to the high school diploma of a student who have attained a high level of proficiency in civics education.


“This is an advanced program,” Rep. Fred Deutsch, the bill’s prime sponsor, said. “It’s meant to incentivize our students.”


The bill would request the state Board of Education Standards to establish requirements for the program in which students would demonstrate competency in:

  • American democracy and its principles;
  • The Constitution of the United States and South Dakota;
  • The Founding documents and how they shape the government; and
  • Landmark United States Supreme Court Cases.

Interim Secretary of Education Ben Jones noted the program “begins a discussion among our schools why civics is a valuable thing to learn” and could create “a nucleus that could really germinate across the state.”


ASBSD is monitoring the bill, which now heads to the Senate floor for review.


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