Minor boundary change review bound for House

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Minor boundary change review bound for House

A bill proposing a one year moratorium on minor boundary changes in a school district and the creation of a legislative task force to study the process passed the Senate unanimously on Crossover Day.


Senate Bill 134 was introduced last week as a hoghouse amendment by Sen. Tim Rave, who said the bill hopes to address “a concern that’s been going on for many years.”


“(Let’s) set the (school) boundaries where they’re at for one year,” Sen. Rave said. “Hopefully, we can come up with a solution.”


At the Senate State Affairs committee hearing of SB 134, Sen. Rave said the task force would consists of “a bunch of smart people” studying the issue, which saw House Bill 1071 passed last year and required a change petitions to include potential value of the land when full developed, if the land would affect more than two percent of assessed valuation and ownership interests of the land.


SB 134 now moves on to the House for review. ASBSD is monitoring the bill.

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