Board Recognition Program – ALL

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ASBSD Board Recognition Program – ALL

The ASBSD Board Recognition Program is designed to recognize school boards for their dedicated and ethical service to the students of South Dakota. This program will recognize board members’ participation in outside activities, board development and training, and demonstrated leadership at various areas and levels.

How does the recognition program work?

By participating in ASBSD activities, training opportunities and demonstrating leadership at the local, state and national level, board members accumulate points to achieve awards.  For each level of award, Gold, Silver, and Bronze, point totals are counted in three separate categories. In order to qualify for any board award, some points must be earned in all three categories.

Points are totaled throughout the fiscal year (July 1-June), but GAVEL Training counts for a total of three years under Learning Opportunities.


ACT: Activities in this category demonstrate participation at various board functions. Examples would include attending Annual Convention, Delegate Assembly or the NSBA national convention. This category is measured, and points are assigned, as to the functions a board member has attended.

  • ASBSD-SASD Annual Convention                           20 pts.
  • Delegate Assembly                                                       25 pts.
  • NSBA National Convention                                        20 pts.
  • Presenter @ ASBSD-SASD Annual Convention     20 pts.
  • Presenter @ NSBA National Convention                 20 pts.

LEARN: Activities in this category center around board member training opportunities board members have attended and completed. Examples would include attending face to face training sessions for board specific workshops or participating in ASBSD regional events, webinars or online courses. Points are assigned based on the learning opportunity and participation.

  • GAVEL Face-to-Face Training                               40 pts.
  • Collective Bargaining Webinar                               30 pts.
  • LAN Update Webinar                                               20 pts.
  • School Law Webinar                                                 20 pts.
  • School Law Seminar                                                 40 pts.
  • New School Board Member Workshop                 40 pts.
  • New School Board Member SBU Course              40 pts.
  • ASBSD Board Engagement Webinar                     20 pts.
  • Wednesday meeting/webinar  20 pts.
  • Other Training Opportunities not listed               20 pts.

LEAD: Activities in this category focus on leadership events or activities where board members take on a leadership role or participate in leadership training. Examples would include serving as state board officer, attending the President’s Workshop, or representing your District at ASBSD’s Delegate Assembly. Points are assigned based upon the position or role held and activity participation.

  • ASBSD Board Director                                            50 pts.
  • ASBSD Board Officer – President                         50 pts.
  • ASBSD Board Officer – Past President                50 pts.
  • ASBSD Board Officer – 2nd VP                             25 pts.
  • ASBSD Board Officer – 1st   VP                             25 pts.
  • ASBPT Protective Trust Board Member              50 pts.
  • ASBSD Board Engagement webinar                     25 pts.
  • Delegate Assembly appointee                                25 pts.
  • LAN Member appointee                                          25 pts.
  • School Board President Workshop                       40 pts.
  • School Board President SBU Course                    40 pts.
  • State Education Panel Member                             50 pts.

Board Scoring

Total all categories (ACT, LEARN, LEAD) for a cumulative score of the board using all board members points earned. The cumulative score must have some points in each category by any Board member to be eligible for an award.

Gold Level School Board

500 cumulative point total

Silver Level School Board

350 cumulative point total

Bronze Level School Board

250 cumulative point total

Scoring Example

In the course of a fiscal year (July 1-June 30), your school board had three members attend the ASBSD-SASD Annual Convention, and you had a board member attend ASBSD Delegate Assembly, your Board would earn 85 points in the ACT category.

In the same year, your Board (7 members) had GAVEL Face-to-Face Training in your District on-site, three other Board members participate in a Wednesdays with Wade meeting, one attend a New School Board Member Workshop and one take part in a School Law Webinar. Your Board would earn 400 points in the LEARN category.

Also, in that school year, your Board appointed a Delegate and a LAN member (Legislative Action Network). Your Board would earn 50 points in the LEAD category.

ACT – 85

LEARN – 400

LEAD – 50

Total: 535 points = Gold Level Board

If you would like to know how many ALL points your board has earned thus far or what opportunities are available to earn ALL points, contact Tyler at

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