Oath of office bill amended and passed

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Oath of office bill amended and passed

The solution sought in the oath of office bill was found and approved.


House Bill 1077, which modifies the oath elected officials take when assuming office, was amended and passed by the House Local Government committee on an 11-0 vote and the House on a 68-0 vote.


The amendment to the bill clarifies the discrepancy in which oath should be taken by school board members taking office with reference to state statute 3-1-5. With the clarification made in the bill, ASBSD is now monitoring it.


“Appreciate the prime sponsor and the affected groups coming together,” Rep. Will Mortenson said. “This creates standardization and removes some questions.”


HB 1077 now moves to the Senate.


For updates on the bill and other pieces of legislation from the 2022 session, check the ASBSD Blog and Billtracker page.