Search Results for: revenue – Page 14

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Search Results for: revenue

SB 131 & 133: Bills from Gov’s ed. funding incresae proposal advance

Two-thirds of Gov. Dennis Daugaard’s teacher pay increase proposal advanced in the legislative process.   Senate State Affairs committee members unanimously approved Senate Bill 131, which establishes a target teacher salary and a target teacher ratio and to revise certain provisions regarding education funding, and Senate Bill 133, which appropriates funds for districts to use […]

SB 131 & 133: Bills from Gov’s ed. funding incresae proposal advance Read More »

HB 1182: Sales Tax Increase bill debate stalled

This afternoon members of the House of Representatives began the debate on the proposed half cent increase to the state sales tax – House Bill 1182 – that will provide school districts the new, ongoing revenue source desperately needed to attract and retain our teachers.   The debate, however, was cut short when members of

HB 1182: Sales Tax Increase bill debate stalled Read More »

HB 1182: Sales tax increase bill sails through comm.

A parade of supporters and unanimous committee vote got Gov. Dennis Daugaard’s proposal to increase teacher pay off to a great start on Monday (2/8).   Nearly 20 supporters from the education, business and agriculture communities testified in favor of House Bill 1182, which increases the state’s sales tax by a half cent and reduces

HB 1182: Sales tax increase bill sails through comm. Read More »

Sales tax increase needed for teacher pay improvement, assists property tax payers

ASBSD and school board members across the state support and continue to advocate in favor of Gov. Dennis Daugaard’s proposed half cent sales tax increase.   “Our school board members are committed to supporting the half cent sales tax increase that will help them recruit and retain our teachers,” ASBSD President Eric Stroeder said. “The bill

Sales tax increase needed for teacher pay improvement, assists property tax payers Read More »

HB 1086: Conversation on leased residential tax class continues

The debate about adding a leased residential property tax classification started on Thursday (1/27).   “What we don’t have is a category for those people that live in a property, but don’t own it,” Rep. Don Haggar, the bill’s sponsor, testified. “(House Bill 1086) just creates the category.”   House Taxation committee members expressed interest

HB 1086: Conversation on leased residential tax class continues Read More »

SASD, ASBSD discuss funding proposal with Gov’s Chief of Staff

School Administrators of South Dakota Executive Director Rob Monson and ASBSD Executive Director Wade Pogany recently sat down with Gov. Daugaard’s Chief of Staff Tony Venhuizen to discuss the proposed half cent increase to the state’s sales tax, the new funding formula and the accompanying education funding pieces of the plan.   “We see a

SASD, ASBSD discuss funding proposal with Gov’s Chief of Staff Read More »

Proposed formula’s funding for districts detailed

At his State of the State Address (Jan. 12), Gov. Dennis Daugaard unveiled a historic proposal to put more than $80 million, most of which would be generated a sales tax increase, towards improving teacher salaries in order to solve the teacher shortage plaguing South Dakota’s school districts.   ASBSD is supporting Gov. Daugaard’s proposal.

Proposed formula’s funding for districts detailed Read More »

ASBSD supporting Gov. Daugaard’s education funding proposal

Gov. Dennis Daugaard’s State of the State Address today was a historic step forward for the funding of public education and it’s a step ASBSD and our Board of Directors supports.   The governor’s pledge of more than $80 million in total funding for schools is the biggest immediate increase we’ve seen in decades and

ASBSD supporting Gov. Daugaard’s education funding proposal Read More »

Gov. Daugaard says teacher pay needs improvement, proposal coming in January

Gov. Dennis Daugaard punctuated his budget address on Tuesday (Dec. 8) by stating teacher salaries in South Dakota need to be improved.   “I agree that South Dakota needs to increase teacher salaries,” Gov. Daugaard said, noting that the state was falling behind other states in the upper plains region.   “The public expects us

Gov. Daugaard says teacher pay needs improvement, proposal coming in January Read More »

ASBSD Board welcomes new member, discusses BRTF

Members of the ASBSD Board of Directors met last month and welcomed a new member to the board and reviewed the recommendations from the Blue Ribbon Task Force.   The Board of Directors were joined by Howard School Board President Rick Olson, who was recently appointed by ASBSD President Eric Stroeder to represent the Southeast

ASBSD Board welcomes new member, discusses BRTF Read More »

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