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Search Results for: revenue collection

Partridge Amendment adjustment bill bound for House

A mechanism clearing up confusion in statute related sales tax and remote sellers revenue reached the House recently.   Senators passed Senate Bill 86, which adjusts the Partridge Amendment and permits review of remote seller tax revenue before lowering sales tax, on a 28-6 vote. Senate Taxation passed the bill out of committee previously on […]

Partridge Amendment adjustment bill bound for House Read More »

Rev. projections pose possible problem for proposed funding increase

South Dakota’s revenue projections point to possible trouble for schools to maintain the proposed one percent increase in funding for next year.   Legislative appropriators adopted revenue projections coming in at $27.7 million less than what was proposed during December’s budget address. The main culprit of the reduction in revenue was the state’s sales and

Rev. projections pose possible problem for proposed funding increase Read More »

New choice intro’d for schools to use CO fund dollars

Capital outlay continues to be at the center of legislative conversation.   House State Affairs committee members voted to support a hoghouse amendment to House Bill 1218, which would allow any school district to designate up to $0.25 of their capital outlay levy to fund a post-secondary technical institute. The maximum level of $3 per

New choice intro’d for schools to use CO fund dollars Read More »

Committee critical of cap outlay compromise

Three sessions over a three-day span resulted in a three vote difference on a bill adjusting capital outlay.   On a 9-6 vote, members of the House Taxation committee sent House Bill 1207, which would have limited revenue collection of the school district capital outlay fund, implemented opt-out procedures for the fund and added $72

Committee critical of cap outlay compromise Read More »

First hearing held for capital outlay adjustment

The first look at legislation adjusting the capital outlay fund of school districts was had on Tuesday (2/17).   Rep. Justin Cronin introduced House Bill 1207, which would limit revenue collection of the school district capital outlay fund, implements opt-out procedures for the fund and adds $72 per-student to state aid, to the House Taxation

First hearing held for capital outlay adjustment Read More »

Property tax adjustments proposed in multiple bills

Property tax adjustment bills have received more attention and discussion this session.   House Bill 1039, which provides for the assessment of certain agricultural land as noncropland, made it out of the House on a 38-30 vote, but was defeated in Senate Taxation on a 6-1 vote.   The bill sought to allow for ag

Property tax adjustments proposed in multiple bills Read More »

Updates made to ASBSD Legislative Resolutions and Standing Positions

At their August meeting, members of the ASBSD Board of Directors approved changes to the Association’s legislative resolutions and standing positions recommended by the ASBSD Policy and Resolutions Committee.   The resolutions and standing positions dictate the legislative direction of ASBSD and are voted on by member districts at Delegate Assembly. This year’s Delegate Assembly will be

Updates made to ASBSD Legislative Resolutions and Standing Positions Read More »

Schools receive ongoing increase, one-time money

Schools will receive an ongoing increase for next school year, as well as one-time money this year, after legislators approved three bills on the final days of the full run of session.   A one percent increase – equaling approximately $12 in new money – in state aid and special education will be sent to

Schools receive ongoing increase, one-time money Read More »

Sales tax talk at Legislative Exec Board meeting

What’s going on with sales tax revenue was once again a topic of discussion during the legislative interim.   “We’ve got to keep this issue front and center if we’re going to keep funding public education and social services,” Rep. Mark Mickelson said during Monday’s (5/15) Legislative Executive Board meeting.   Legislative Executive Board members

Sales tax talk at Legislative Exec Board meeting Read More »

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