SLRMA providing free COVID-19 checklist and best practices

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SLRMA providing free COVID-19 checklist and best practices

To continue to assist school districts in managing operations during the Coronavirus outbreak, the School Leaders Risk Management Association (SLRMA), a partner of ASBSD, is providing a SLRMA COVID-19 Self-Audit Checklist & Best Practices free to the public for download.


You can download the checklist and best practices here:



SLRMA, a not-for-profit organization that collects, analyzes and disseminates federal school board legal liability risk management information, also posts additional information, including material on due process and students suspension, school safety and Fair Labor Standards Regulations, among other topics, on their website:


Aside from the COVID-19 Self-Audit Checklist & Best Practices, the additional checklists found on the SLRMA website require Login access, but are free to all member districts through the partnership between SLRMA and ASBSD.


Any questions about accessing the additional SLRMA checklists, can be directed to Director of Communications Tyler Pickner at 605-773-8382 or

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