2015 Legislative Session

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2015 Legislative Session

Capital Outlay discussion ongoing

If you’ve had a chance to attend one of the ASBSD region meetings this fall you know legislative issues were a big part of the discussion, especially talk about potential legislation that would limit capital outlay growth.   Check out the remaining dates on the Region Meeting schedule here.   The topic of limiting growth […]

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Pogany appears on Greg Belfrage Show to discuss TSEF and teacher shortage

ASBSD Executive Director Wade Pogany appeared on Kelo Radio’s Greg Belfrage Show yesterday morning (Wednesday, Oct. 8) to discuss the Teacher Salary Enhancement Fund (TSEF) proposal and teacher shortage.   Listen to the interview here: http://kelo.com/podcasts/greg-belfrage-show/935/proposal-to-increase-teacher-pay-through-one-cent-sales-tax/.   Pogany said the proposal is the first step in the conversation to find a solution to low teacher salaries

Pogany appears on Greg Belfrage Show to discuss TSEF and teacher shortage Read More »

Cap outlay, other revenue and teacher pay discussed at Region Meeting

The potential for a major shift in three aspects of K-12 funding dominated discussion at the recent ASBSD Region Meeting in Brookings, as it did in Beresford the night before and as it is expected to at each subsequent meeting.   At the Brookings meeting, representatives from 11 school districts were presented with potentially landscape-shifting

Cap outlay, other revenue and teacher pay discussed at Region Meeting Read More »

Submit a resolution for Delegate Assembly

ASBSD’s resolutions and standing positions dictate the legislative direction of the association.   As member districts, you have the opportunity every year to vote on the resolutions and standing positions each year at Delegate Assembly. This year’s Delegate Assembly is set for Friday, Nov. 21.     Before Delegate Assembly, your district also has the opportunity

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Review of new, deleted and amended resolutions and standing positions

One of the most important steps in ASBSD’s preparation for legislative session each year is Delegate Assembly.   ASBSD Delegate Assembly establishes the legislative direction of the Association and with the 2015 legislative session just three months away, it’s time for our member districts to appoint a delegate and review our proposed resolutions and standing positions.

Review of new, deleted and amended resolutions and standing positions Read More »

Teacher salary increase proposal presented

A first glimpse at a proposal to improve teacher salaries in South Dakota was provided at Monday’s Legislative Planning Committee meeting.   ASBSD Executive Director Wade Pogany, SASD Executive Director Rob Monson and Mitch Richter of the South Dakota United School Association presented the collaborative effort of their groups, which would call for the establishment

Teacher salary increase proposal presented Read More »

ASBSD’s September edition of The Bulletin

This month’s Bulletin previews the upcoming ASBSD Region Meetings, School Law Seminars and Delegate Assembly, reviews last month’s ASBSD-SASD Convention and much more.     Click here to view the online edition.

ASBSD’s September edition of The Bulletin Read More »

UPDATED: ASBSD Region Meeting registration open

School board members and administrators are invited to join ASBSD Executive Director Wade Pogany at a fall region meeting to discuss potential legislation for the 2015 session, ASBSD Standing Positions and Resolutions and new and updated services offered by the Association.     Region meeting dates and locations include: 9/30 – Beresford School District (The Bridge’s

UPDATED: ASBSD Region Meeting registration open Read More »

Recapping the 2014 Convention

The premier learning event for school board members and administrators drew nearly 500 attendees to the Sioux Falls Convention Center to discuss advocacy, student achievement, legislative issues and much more.   2014’s ASBSD-SASD Convention set the stage for the upcoming school year for district leaders as they came together for the two-day event, which featured

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