2016 Legislative Session

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2016 Legislative Session

Blue Ribbon Task Force digs deep into the data

The latest, and potentially most in-depth, study of K-12 education headed down the homestretch eying its end-of-the-year finish line with hopes of finding solutions that live up to its first place name.   Yet, after the first meeting (7/7) of the full Blue Ribbon Task Force, the magnitude of the work that lies ahead to

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Minor Boundary Task Force reviews draft legislation

Members of the South Dakota Legislature’s Minor Boundary Task Force convened on July 9 for their second meeting.   The task force was established with the passage of Senate Bill 134 and charged to examine district boundaries and recommend possible changes to boundaries and a process for addressing minor boundary changes. SB 134 also set a

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ASBSD 1st VP appointed to Blue Ribbon Task Force

ASBSD First Vice President Eric Stroeder has been appointed by Gov. Dennis Daugaard to the Blue Ribbon Task Force.   Stroeder, along with 12 other recently appointed individuals (click here  for the full list) will join the current group of legislators and state officials in holding public input meetings throughout the summer, beginning on July 7.

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Teacher openings increase, applicants decrease

As the number of open teaching positions in South Dakota’s public schools increased in 2015, the number of applicants for open positions drastically declined compared to last year.   According to a survey conducted by SASD, 30 percent of the 837 open teaching positions for the 2015-16 school year remained unfilled as of May 27

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