Gov. proposes six percent increase in state aid

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Gov. proposes six percent increase in state aid

Schools received a nearly unprecedented state aid increase proposal from Gov. Kristi Noem for the 2022-23 school year.


At Gov. Noem’s budget address this month she proposed a 6 percent increase in state aid for the 2022-23 school year. The 6 percent increase brings $41 million in new, ongoing funding to state aid.


“This 6 percent increase is unprecedented, but it’s also necessary,” Gov. Noem said during her budget address. “(Schools) deserve our support.”


The 6 percent increase is in fact the largest bump in state aid since 2016-17 when the half-cent sales tax increase was passed by the legislature to fund a raise in teacher salaries, which resulted in a 12 percent boost in state aid.


“We’re incredibly thankful to Gov. Noem for the proposed increase,” ASBSD Executive Director Wade Pogany said.


“It’s a much needed increase as schools are trying to keep in teacher pay with regional states, attract classified staff members and face increasing costs with high inflation.”


Strong revenue collections make the increase a real possibility with collections exceeding projections through five months by more than $87 million. Read more about revenue collections here.


“With revenue that’s being collected we’re very happy to see it being proposed to be put back into school budgets since we’re seeing more teacher openings, the state’s national rank slipping further down the list and a real struggle in recruiting classified staff members,” Pogany said.


The 2022 legislative session begins on January 11, running for 38 days and in that time will undoubtedly feature a lot of debate on the proposed increase and state budget.


For updates during session, check the ASBSD blog and Bill Tracker Page.

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