Search Results for: revenue – Page 4

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Search Results for: revenue

Revenue collection remains major issue

Since the start of 2017 revenue reports have not been rosy.   That tepid trend continued during the April meeting of the legislature’s Executive Board. S.D. Legislative Research Council Fiscal Analyst Jeff Mehlhaff informed board members the state’s general fund revenue is down $3 million from “where we anticipated being” based on the restructured revenue estimates […]

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Revenue collection remains behind in South Dakota

Revenue in South Dakota is not on the rise.   A recently released report by the South Dakota Bureau of Finance and Management noted general fund collections for fiscal year 2017 remain lower than expected; even after estimates were recalculated and adopted by the legislature.   Collections in March came in nearly $4 million lower

Revenue collection remains behind in South Dakota Read More »

DOR discusses online sales tax revenue

Online sales tax revenue received more attention during the second week of legislative session.   The Senate Taxation committee welcomed Department of Revenue Secretary Andy Gerlach to their meeting on Wednesday (1/18) to discuss a variety of subjects that included online sales tax.   One of the first questions asked of Sec. Gerlach was about

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HB 1097: Other revenue decrease bill defeated

A bill with the potential to subtract up to $400,000 in other revenue for school districts failed to find support in the House on Tuesday (2/2).   House Bill 1097, which would exempt certain taxes and fees from the gross receipts tax on telecommunications services, was defeated by Representatives on a 24-41 vote. ASBSD opposed the

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HB 1097: Other revenue decrease bill passes committee

Legislative committee members approved a bill that could potentially subtract up to $400,000 from other revenue supplied to school districts on Thursday (1/28).   On an 11-4 vote, members of the House Taxation committee passed House Bill 1097, which would exempt certain taxes and fees from the gross receipts tax on telecommunications services.   South

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Task Force report talks up need for new revenue

Two weeks after their final meeting, members of the Blue Ribbon Task Force reported to Gov. Dennis Daugaard that new money is needed to help cure the teacher shortage ailment in South Dakota.   Among the recommendations (click here to read about additional suggestions) reported, none may be bigger than the group’s recurrent referral to

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Appropriators adopt revenue projections

With the revenue projections presented the financial parameters were set for South Dakota’s fiscal year 2016 budget.   Legislative appropriators adopted the revenue projection recommendations presented by the appropriations subcommittee for the FY16 budget, as well as the FY15 updated projections.   Rep. Dan Dryden said the revenue projections presented by the Bureau of Finance

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Revenue projections presented to appropriators

Revenue projections for South Dakota were not rosy.   Representatives from South Dakota Bureau of Finance and Management and Legislative Research Council presented the projections to legislative appropriators on Monday (3/9).   Compared to the projections proposed by Gov. Dennis Daugaard during his Budget Address in December, BFM projects an approximately $10 million shortfall and

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Cap outlay, other revenue and teacher pay discussed at Region Meeting

The potential for a major shift in three aspects of K-12 funding dominated discussion at the recent ASBSD Region Meeting in Brookings, as it did in Beresford the night before and as it is expected to at each subsequent meeting.   At the Brookings meeting, representatives from 11 school districts were presented with potentially landscape-shifting

Cap outlay, other revenue and teacher pay discussed at Region Meeting Read More »

Planning comm. hears other revenue equalization proposals

Equalizing other revenue school districts receive isn’t a new idea in South Dakota’s legislature, but it’s one that stirred debate about the way schools are funded.   Rep. Dan Dryden introduced two bills during the 2014 legislative session related to other revenue equalization – both were defeated – and presented the ideas to members of

Planning comm. hears other revenue equalization proposals Read More »

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