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Board voting record bill passes comm.

Members of the House Local Government committee unanimously approved House Bill 1091, which would require meeting minutes of any board or commission to include a record of how each individual voted, on Thursday (1/29).   “On the final action there should be a listing of how that individual voted,” Rep. Jim Bolin testified in support […]

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Decision delayed on counselor privilege bill

The decision on a bill that added a new provision to school counselor privilege was delayed until a later date after much hand wringing at Wednesday’s (1/28) House Education Committee meeting.   House Bill 1077 would require parental approval to waive a school counselor privilege for a student under age sixteen.   HB 1077’s sponsor

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Two DOE bills pass committee

Two education related bills were advanced by the House Education Committee on Monday (Jan. 26).   Members voted 11-4 to pass House Bill 1044, which revises certain certification and discipline provisions for teachers, administrators or other educational professionals.   Department of Education Legal Counsel Bobbi Rank said the bill cleans up and streamlines the license

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Appropriators assess aid adjustment again

South Dakota legislative appropriators took another look at the proposed state aid adjustment that would add the cost of school technology, assessment and the sparsity factor to the formula.   Department of Education Director of Finance and Management Tami Darnall rehashed the plan, and its estimated cost, with appropriators a week after S.D. Bureau of

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Appropriators review proposed state aid adjustment

A proposed change to the education funding formula could save the state $100,000.   S.D. Bureau of Finance and Management Commissioner Jason Dilges discussed the proposed adjustment, which would see tax payers share the cost of school technology, assessment and the sparsity factor, with legislators at Thursday’s Joint Appropriations committee meeting.   The three factors

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