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ALL Scoreboard through 2016

2016 brought a new way for ASBSD to honor the tireless work of South Dakota’s school boards.   ASBSD’s Board Recognition Program – ALL: Act, Learn, Lead – which recognizes board members’ participation in outside activities, board development and training, and demonstrated leadership at a variety of levels, was introduced and boards earned points.   School boards […]

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ASBSD’s legislative direction set at Delegate Assembly

Winter weather put the initial ASBSD Delegate Assembly date on hold and brought its blusteriness to the day again, but didn’t stop 70 delegates from setting the Association’s legislative direction for the 2017 session.   “ASBSD and school board members unite to form is a powerful grassroots advocacy network that helps lead public education forward

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ASBSD enrollment categories updated by Board of Directors

ASBSD’s governance structure received an update as the ASBSD Board of Directors voted in favor of bringing the Association’s enrollment categories up-to-date based on enrollment figures from the 2015-16 school year.   The updated enrollment categories take effect immediately, as the 2017 ASBSD Board of Directors election cycle is set to begin soon. Learn more

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SFAB holds first reading of admin rules, approves waiver docs

School Finance Accountability Board members met for the final time in 2016, reading the board’s rules for the first time and approving the cash balance and teacher compensation waivers.   SFAB’s rules outline the different facets of the board’s work including the waiver request process, which requires waiver requests be submitted to the board before

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Gov’s budget proposal includes one percent increase for schools

Gov. Dennis Daugaard proposed a one percent increase in funding for K-12 schools at his budget address for fiscal year 2018.   The proposed increase brings $6.8 million in new money to schools and the one percent increase was higher than what was required by law, as inflation came in at 0.3 percent.   “We’re

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ASBSD Pres. Peterson appointed to national committee

ASBSD President Anita Peterson, of the Haakon School District, has been appointed to the 2017 National School Board Association’s National Nominating Committee.   NSBA President Miranda Beard appointed Peterson, along with four other school board representatives from across the United States, to the committee, which shall nominate one or more nominees for NSBA offices.  

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December edition of the School Safety Newsletter

The December edition of the SafeSchools’ School Safety Newsletter is available.   Give the School Safety Matters newsletter a read here.   This month’s edition of the newsletter discusses the new SafeSchools course on administrative supervision of students, their safety data sheets management system and much more.     ASBSD and SafeSchools have partnered to bring all member districts the opportunity

December edition of the School Safety Newsletter Read More »

Delegate Assembly rescheduled for December 7

  ASBSD Delegate Assembly will be held on Wednesday, December 7 in Pierre at the Ramkota RiverCentre (920 West Sioux Ave.) beginning at 1 p.m. and concluding at approximately 5 p.m.     Click the links to review ASBSD’s proposed resolutions and standing positions for the upcoming legislative session.   If you have questions, please contact Tyler at or at

Delegate Assembly rescheduled for December 7 Read More »

Review ASBSD’s updated legislative positions before Delegate Assembly

At their August meeting, members of the ASBSD Board of Directors approved changes to the Association’s legislative resolutions and standing positions recommended by the ASBSD Policy and Resolutions Committee.   The resolutions and standing positions dictate the legislative direction of ASBSD and are voted on by member districts at Delegate Assembly. This year’s Delegate Assembly has been

Review ASBSD’s updated legislative positions before Delegate Assembly Read More »

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