Teacher Pay

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Teacher Pay

ASBSD’s legislative direction

One of the most important steps in ASBSD’s preparation for legislative session each year is Delegate Assembly.   The legislative direction of the Association is set with approval of resolutions and standing positions by member districts.   Download the approved standing positions and resolutions by clicking on the links or visit the Publications and Forms page on the ASBSD website.   For the 2015 legislative session, […]

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ASBSD’s final edition of the Bulletin

ASBSD is proud to send you the final edition of our monthly publication, The Bulletin.     This month’s Bulletin shares information on the Governor’s proposed increase to K-12 funding, outcomes of Delegate Assembly and much more.   Click here to view the online edition or download the easy-to-print PDF edition, which is attached.   We

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Potential retirees outpace potential teachers

The latest study released by the South Dakota School Administrators on the teacher shortage shared even more troubling news as the number of retiring teachers in the state exceeds the number of teacher education majors enrolled in South Dakota’s higher education institutions that are ready to replace retirees.   SASD information from the South Dakota Retirement

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Two percent increase to state funding proposed by Gov.

South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard proposed a two percent increase to state aid for schools for next year during his budget address on today (12/2).   The increase equates to approximately $96 more per-student, which would bring per-student allocation to approximately $4877 for the 2015-16 school year. The potential increase to $4,877 would eclipse the

Two percent increase to state funding proposed by Gov. Read More »

Delegates set legislative direction for ASBSD at Assembly

Delegates from 81 school districts voted to set the legislative direction of ASBSD at last month’s Delegate Assembly. The voting school board members approved 11 standing positions and 30 resolutions.   Download the approved standing positions and resolutions by clicking on the links or visit the Publications and Forms page on the ASBSD website.  

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Districts set legislative direction at Delegate Assembly

ASBSD’s Delegate Assembly is the time and place to voice your district’s legislative agenda and establish your state school board association’s legislative direction.   It is essential for member districts to appoint a delegate and have them attend Delegate Assembly to vote on ASBSD’s resolutions and standing positions, which dictate the legislative direction of the

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Planning committee reconvenes next week

After a two-month hiatus, the legislative planning committee will reconvene on Monday (Nov. 17) to continue their long-term study of K-12 funding.   You can listen to the meeting here – http://sdpb.sd.gov/player/413.html.    The committee will primarily focus on information review and planning on K-12 funding, with teacher pay likely to drive the discussion. Studies and

Planning committee reconvenes next week Read More »

November edition of the Bulletin

As part of ASBSD’s on-going effort to be your source for the latest information, commentary and training for K-12 education, we’re posting our monthly publication, The Bulletin.     This month’s Bulletin covers ASBSD’s Legislative Action Network, previews ASBSD Delegate Assembly, announces the 2014 Election Workshop dates and much more.   Click here to view the online

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Superintendent’s group responds to Gov’s comments

Recent comments from South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard about teacher salaries being the responsibility of the local district and not the state drew a pointed response from the South Dakota School Superintendents Association.   SDSSA President Dan Leikvold, Superintendent of the Lead-Deadwood School District, wrote an open letter in response to Gov. Daugaard’s comments. Read

Superintendent’s group responds to Gov’s comments Read More »

Pogany appears on Greg Belfrage Show to discuss TSEF and teacher shortage

ASBSD Executive Director Wade Pogany appeared on Kelo Radio’s Greg Belfrage Show yesterday morning (Wednesday, Oct. 8) to discuss the Teacher Salary Enhancement Fund (TSEF) proposal and teacher shortage.   Listen to the interview here: http://kelo.com/podcasts/greg-belfrage-show/935/proposal-to-increase-teacher-pay-through-one-cent-sales-tax/.   Pogany said the proposal is the first step in the conversation to find a solution to low teacher salaries

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